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Specialized Care From highly-trained OCD Therapists

The Center for OCD

The Center for OCD focuses on providing evidence-based treatment for individuals with OCD. Our Center also disseminates information to help destigmatize and debunk common misconceptions about OCD and how to best support loved ones suffering from OCD. Exposure and Response (Ritual) Prevention (EX/RP) is an evidence-based treatment that has demonstrated efficacy and durability in reducing OCD symptom severity. EX/RP is the primary treatment modality used by all providers within the Center. EX/RP is a brief CBT-based treatment that gradually and systematically uses exposures to trigger obsessional distress while the individual simultaneously refrains from rituals or compulsive behaviors.

It is important that our clients feel understood, supported, and informed as we help them confront their fears. We recognize that EX/RP therapy is difficult. Therefore, we administer evidenced based assessments, collaborate with our clients as we formulate individualized treatment plans, explain the function, efficacy, and goals of EX/RP therapy, and request consistent feedback throughout the treatment process. We believe that client-directed, compassionate care is the foundation for effective EX/RP therapy.


Center for OCD therapy near me in Pittsburgh PA for specialized OCD treatment


The Center for OCD stands by Cognitive Behavior Institute’s mission “To unlock human potential through research-informed, client-directed, and compassionate-counseling, psychological testing, research and education”.

The Center for OCD implements evidence-based practices when assessing and treating individuals who present with symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Exposure and Response Prevention, otherwise known as EX/RP, is a specific form of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) that has proven to be remarkably effective in treating OCD. EX/RP is the primary treatment modality used by all the providers within the Center. A certain class of medication has also shown to be effective with OCD, so we often make referrals to prescribers.

It is important that our client’s feel understood, supported, and informed as we help them confront their fears. We recognize that EX/RP therapy is difficult. Therefore, we administer evidenced based assessments, collaborate with our clients as we formulate individualized treatment plans, explain the efficacy, function, and goals of EX/RP therapy, and request consistent feedback throughout the treatment process. We believe that client-directed, compassionate care is the foundation for effective EX/RP therapy.

CBI’s Center for OCD joins international efforts to spread awareness about OCD and destigmatize OCD. To this end, CBI’s Center for OCD will continue to publish blogs, develop training and EX/RP focused supervision, offer individual and group consultation, individual counseling, and expand our group offerings.

The Center for OCD offers a range of services which includes:

  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Trainings
  • Individual and group consultation

The Center for OCD is co-led by Nicole Gibson, LPC, NCC (adult-lead) and Allison Aberson, PhD (pediatric-lead). Savannah Straub, LPC, Sara Steigman, LSW, and Nora Mueller, PhD are also integral members of the development and administration of the Center for OCD.

Clinicians provide individual therapy services both virtually and in-person at all three of our locations. Training, consultation, and group therapy is currently provided virtually. Please contact 724-609-5002 for additional information regarding availability of services.

The Center for OCD is frequently researching and utilizing the most up-to-date evidence-based treatment for individuals with OCD. Given our focus on education, awareness, and prevention, we will be providing free resources and presentations each Fall during the International OCD Awareness Week. In addition, we will continue to publish regular blogs, develop training, and EX/RP focused supervision, offer individual and group consultation, individual counseling and expand our group therapy offerings.


Books for Adults diagnosed with OCD:

Freedom From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program for Living with Uncertainty by Jonathan Grayson, PhD
Getting Over OCD: Second Edition, A 10-Step Workbook for Taking Back Your Life by Jonathan S. Abramowitz, PhD
Rewind Replay Repeat: A Memoir of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by Jeff Bell
Stop Obsessing! How to Overcome Your Obsessions and Compulsions by Edna B. Foa, PhD and Reid Wilson, PhD
The Imp of the Mind: Exploring the Silent Epidemic of Obsessive Bad Thoughts by Lee Baer, PhD
The OCD Workbook: Your Guide for Breaking Free from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 3rd Edition by Bruce Hyman, PhD and Cherlene Pedrick, RN

Books For Children and adolescents diagnosed with ocd:

A Thought Is Just A Thought: A Story of Living With OCD by Leslie Talley
Blink, Blink, Clop, Clop: Why Do We Do Things We Can’t Stop? An OCD Storybook by E. Katia Moritz, Ph.D and Jennifer Jablonksy
Mr. Worry: A Story About OCD by Holly L. Niner
No One Is Perfect and YOU Are a Great Kid by Kim Hix
Up and Down the Worry Hill: A Children’s Book About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and It’s Treatment by Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D
What To Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck: A Kids Guide to Overcoming OCD by Dawn Huebner, PhD
You Do That, Too? Adolescents and OCD by Jose Arturo and Rena Benson 

Books for family members:

Freeing Your Child From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by Tamar E. Chansky, Ph.D
Loving Someone with OCD: Help for You and Your Family by Karen J. Landsman PhD, Kathleen M. Rupertus, MA, MS and Cherry Pedrick, RN
Talking Back to OCD: The Program That Helps Kids Say “No Way” and Parents Say “Way To Go” by John S. March, Ph.D
The Family Guide to Getting Over OCD: Reclaim Your Life and Help Your Loved Ones by Jonathan S. Abramowitz PhD
What To Do When Your Child Has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Strategies and Solutions by Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D.
When a Family Member has OCD: Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Skills to Help Families Affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Jon Hershfield MFT


Unstuck: An OCD Kids Movie


Beyond the Doubt
The Anxiety Savvy Podcast
The OCD Stories


OCD Challenge

Ways to get involved:

Become an IOCDF Grassroots Advocate
Connect with an advocate in your area

IOCDF Annual OCD Conference
Join a support group
Join one of our IOCDF’s virtual talks
One Million Steps for OCD Walk

CBI’s OCD providers

EX/RP Certified Therapists:

  • Child Psychologist
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'OCD', 'Phobias', 'Exposures']
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • Licensed Professional Counselor, Board Certified Art Therapist
    ['Trauma / PTSD', 'LGBTQ+', 'Grief', 'Domestic Violence', 'Geriatrics', 'Play Therapy']
    ['Mt. Lebanon']
  • Co-Clinical Director
    ['Monroeville', 'Cranberry Township', 'Mt. Lebanon']
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'OCD']
    ['Mt. Lebanon']
  • Licensed Psychologist
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'OCD', 'Insomnia']
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'OCD', 'Phobias', 'Exposures', 'Insomnia', 'Trichotillomania', 'Skin-picking']
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • Professional Counselor
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'OCD', 'Phobias', 'Exposures', 'LGBTQ+', 'Hoarding']
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
    ['ADD/ADHD', 'Addiction', 'Anger Management', 'Anxiety / Depression', 'Autism Spectrum Disorder', 'Bipolar Disorder', 'Body Dysmorphia', 'Borderline Personality Disorder', 'Chronic Pain', 'Concussion/ Traumatic Brain Injury', 'Coparenting', 'DBT', 'Domestic Violence', 'Drug/Alcohol', 'Eating Disorders', 'Exposures', 'Faith-Based', 'Geriatrics/ Medicare', 'Grief & Loss', 'Hoarding', 'Insomnia', 'LGBTQ+', 'OCD', 'ODD', 'Other Personality Disorders', 'Phobias', 'Play Therapy', 'Post-Partum/Fertility', 'Premarital', 'Reactive Attachment Disorder', 'Selective Mutism', 'Sex Addiction', 'Sex Therapy', 'Skin-picking', 'Terminal Illness', 'Trauma / PTSD', 'Trichotillomania']
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'Trauma / PTSD', 'OCD', 'Exposures', 'Grief', 'Addiction', 'Drug/Alcohol', 'Faith-Based']
    ['Cranberry Township', 'Monroeville', 'Mt. Lebanon']
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'LGBTQ+', 'Grief', 'ADD/ADHD', 'Hoarding']
    ['Cranberry Township']

Trained in EX/RP therapy:

  • Licensed Social Worker
    ['Anxiety / Depression']
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'Trauma / PTSD', 'Phobias', 'Grief', 'Domestic Violence', 'Bipolar Disorder', 'Borderline Personality Disorder', 'DBT', 'Other Personality Disorders', 'Insomnia', 'Concussion/ Traumatic Brain Injury', 'Anger Management', 'Chronic Pain', 'Terminal Illness', 'Geriatrics', 'Trichotillomania', 'Reactive Attachment Disorder']
    ['Virtual Session']
  • Psychology Pre-Doctoral Fellow
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'ADD/ADHD', 'Play Therapy']
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • Psychology Intern
  • Licensed Psychologist
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'Exposures', 'Trauma / PTSD']
  • Pre-Licensed Clinician
  • M
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'Addiction', 'Drug/Alcohol', 'Borderline Personality Disorder']
  • F
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'Trauma / PTSD', 'DBT', 'ADD/ADHD', 'Chronic Pain', 'Terminal Illness', 'Trichotillomania', 'Skin-picking', 'Hoarding', 'Play Therapy', 'Faith-Based']
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • Psychologist Intern
  • Licensed Social Worker
    ['Cranberry Township']
  • F
  • National Certified Counselor
    ['Anxiety / Depression', 'Trauma / PTSD', 'ADD/ADHD', 'Grief', 'Trichotillomania', 'Skin-picking', 'Play Therapy', 'Faith-Based']
  • Child Psychologist
    ['Grief', 'AF-CBT', 'Play Therapy', 'Faith-Based']
    ['Mt. Lebanon']